Delivery costs / payment methods

Shipping cost

France: (Postal sending followed)

  • 2.45 EUR = Order up to 15 EUR
  • 4.55 EUR = Order up to 45 EUR
  • Free Delivery = From 45 EUR of purchases

      DOM:                          8.45 EUR (Colissimo tracking)

      TOM:                         12.50 EUR (Colissimo tracking)

      Europe:                       9.90 EUR (International postage with tracking)

      Other destinations:  19.50 EUR (International postage with tracking)


        Payment methods

        Methods of payment accepted.

        • Bank card
        • PayPal
        • Check
        • Bank transfer

        In the case of payment by check or bank transfer, the dispatch of the order will be made after receipt and collection of the payment, which may lead to additional delays.

        Check payment.
        Please send us your payment with a copy of the order or the number and date of your order to:

        94 Alley of the Bastides

        Payment by bank transfer.
        Our bank details are as follows:

        Marseille Credit Company / Aix Mirabeau Agency
        Account no.: 30077 04867 23609600200 32
        IBAN: FR76 3007 7048 6723 6096 0020 032
        BIC: SMCTFR2A

        Please imperatively indicate the number and date of the order in the 'comment' area of your transfer.

        Verified Reviews
        Les clients nous évaluent 4.9/5 basé sur 31 avis.